Friday, September 5, 2008

Time flies by.

I didn't mean to wait until so late in the week to get this out. In fact, I knew what I wanted to write about on Monday. However, a wicked sinus infection has kept me home in bed for most of the week, and so many things have not gotten done yet. Exhibit A: We are moving to a bigger apartment tomorrow and have yet to pack up most of our things. Luckily, we get a week to complete the move.

On to things I've learned this week. I did a lot of reading about how we learn this week. It got me thinking about how I have retained so much information that I learned on my own (i.e. not in school) and not so much about some things that I was taught at school. For instance, I can remember my favorite Backstreet Boy's (product of the '90's anyone?) favorite color, sport, and food, but geometry proofs escape me entirely. I'm not entirely embarrassed to admit this, because boy bands were wildly more interesting to me at the time than math. So for me, it seems, self-directed learning has more "stay-power" than things I was made to learn. I learned a little about how I learn this week. I'm sure that by my next post I'll have learned a little about how I pack up a life in one evening.


The Girl Kind of Shawn said...

I hope you are feeling better and the move went well. If there is one thing I would rather wax my mustache than do, it's move. :)

Don't feel bad, I don't even know what a geometry proof is!

Jessica said...

I feel much better, thanks to the wonderful invention of antibiotics. The move went better than I expected, but there's still a lot to do. I am so happy with our new apartment that I just don't want to leave and go take care of things at the old one, which is good and bad at the same time.